Investing In Bitcoin

Investing In Bitcoin

“Investing in Bitcoin” is all the rage right now.  Its on the news, its all over the internet, everyone is talking about it, yet very few people really understand it.  I’m here to fix that for you.  In this article you’ll learn what bitcoin is, how to acquire it, how to trade it, and what gives bitcoin value.

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Best Credit Cards For Students

Best Credit Cards For Students

Our list of the best credit cards for students was compiled to make establishing good credit a little bit easier for our readers.  Whether your a parent researching for your son or daughter, or a college student looking to get a credit card, we have all the answers you need right here.

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LinkedIn Stock

Linkedin Stock To Buy or Not To Buy

Rapid growth, astounding numbers, consistent profitability, 225 million registered numbers, this has to be a buy right? Its a no brainer.  Well not exactly, lets dig a little bit deeper, I will explain to you why its not a complete “no brainer” buy; and ultimately tell you whether or not you should pickup Linkedin Stock.

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Technical V. Fundamental Analysis

Technical and Fundamental Analysis

Making stock trading decisions is a process that requires research, diligence, and weighing the potential outcomes of that decision. Investors use techniques of fundamental analysis and technical analysis to make the best stock trading decisions possible. Before we talk about which we prefer at IYMN, lets figure out exactly what each of these schools of thought are.

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Invest 1000 Dollars Right Now

The Best Way To Invest 1000 Dollars

Invest 1000 Dollars In Dividend Reinvestment Plans

We discussed Direct Stock Purchase Plans in our first blog entry; now that you can invest 1000 dollars you need to know about Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIP’s).

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